Custom wealth management solutions by wizards at shopping around.

We are research-obsessed, fee-sensitive professional skeptics who sort out wealth management solutions for busy, affluent Canadians.

A platform for financial and tax advice tailored to you.

We cover all angles.

Your wealth management needs encompass financial planning, portfolio management, tax optimization, insurance and estate planning. We can help you in all these areas by tapping into our network of curated experts.

We believe in expertise.

OPMX gives clients access to true experts, covering the full spectrum of wealth management specialties. We coordinate and oversee the process for you.

We work flexibly.

OPMX delivers precise solutions for your specific needs - whether you need a specialist to address a one-off issue or a dream team that can deliver comprehensive wealth management using multiple money managers.

Focused on big money problems.

We focus on the issues high net worth investors with $5 million or more face. We understand the complexities faced by business owners, senior executives and families with generational wealth.

Values you can count on.

Revolutionary pricing

Many "one-stop-shops" charge bundled pricing for a combination of advice and portfolio management. OPMX fights bundled pricing. Pay for advice according to your needs rather than your assets. We negotiate everything on your behalf.

Serious investing

We only refer to serious, conservative money managers who take a business-minded approach to investing. We know all the best owner-operated boutiques that can dance circles around the big shops.

The best of the best

Why settle for the guy across the office when you can access the best of the best? OPMX leverages a network of elite experts, handpicked for their industry-leading knowledge and track record of success.


We listen to your money concerns.

We will explore all your concerns and understand the full picture. You can provide as much detail as you want. We will provide helpful hints even at this early stage.


We give you a custom solution proposal.

We suggest the best way to resolve your concerns and optimize the management of your wealth. You can think of this as a blueprint or a strategic plan. We quote you our project management fee at this stage and the expected fee range of the specialists required.


We oversee the execution of our plan by a curated team of experts.

If you accept our proposal, we will marshall the most suitable specialists to resolve your concerns. We will coordinate and oversee the whole process. We will remain available until your wealth rests on a solid foundation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about wealth management and OPMX's services.

What's the OPMX elevator pitch?

Glad you asked. Think how you would build a home or manage a major renovation project. If you are wise, value expertise and your time, you would hire a trustworthy general contractor to manage the project. In turn, the General Contractor hires specialized trades like carpenters and electricians. It's a time-tested process. We are one-stop general contractors, coordinating the work of financial planners, portfolio managers, tax experts and many other specialists to deliver seamless, efficient wealth management at lower cost. OPMX is the general contractor you need to put your financial house in order.

What if my needs are complex?

We have seen an incredible range of situations in our careers. We know where to find the answers. Contact us to explore a solution. At OPMX, we provide personalized wealth management solutions tailored to your unique financial goals. Our team of experts will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive strategy that maximizes your investments and secures your future. With our guidance and expertise, you can feel confident in achieving long-term financial success and peace of mind.

How do you find the best experts?

We take a relentless, no-stone-unturned approach. We find experts from coast-to-coast. We don't rely on any single typical approach like "networking" or word-of-mouth. We started with a big list from previous experiences and then made the list even bigger and better. We are like an intelligence agency focused on Canadian financial services. We wish we could reveal our sources and methods.

Are you conflict-free and unbiased?

We believe in considering every option under the sun to solve problems our clients face. The technical term for this is "open architecture". It is said that to a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. In contrast, we pride ourselves on having the broadest toolkit of anyone. We won't refer you to the guy across the office. This approach means that clients pay us for our services directly.

How are you different from a portfolio manager?

Selecting what stocks or bonds to buy is only one element of an integrated wealth plan. We focus on comprehensive wealth solutions and delegate the execution to various experts, including portfolio managers. Your wealth grows as a function not only of how your holdings perform, but also the taxes and fees you pay. We focus on all three factors. Every portfolio manager will claim they have a golden touch. We are professional skeptics who carefully vet such claims.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information.